The Montana Nonprofit Corporation Act, codified in Chapter 2 of the Montana Code Annotated is broken down into the following parts:

  • Part 1. General

  • Part 2. Formation, Articles of Incorporation Bylaws, Amendments

  • Part 3. Corporate Name, Registered Office and Agent, and Service of Process

  • Part 4. Directors and Officers -- Indemnification

  • Part 5. Members -- Delegates -- Voting

  • Part 6. Merger, Consolidation, and Sale of Assets

Part 1. General

Section Name Section Number
Renumbered 35-2-113 35-2-101 
Repealed 35-2-102 
Repealed 35-2-103 
Repealed 35-2-104 
Repealed 35-2-105 
Repealed 35-2-106 
Repealed 35-2-107 
Repealed 35-2-108 
Repealed 35-2-109 
Repealed 35-2-110 
Repealed 35-2-111 
Repealed 35-2-112 
Short title 35-2-113 
Definitions 35-2-114 
Notice 35-2-115 
Reservation of power to amend or repeal 35-2-116 
Purposes 35-2-117 
General powers 35-2-118 
Filing requirements 35-2-119 
Facsimile filing 35-2-120 
Effective date of document 35-2-121 
Correcting filed document 35-2-122 
Penalty for signing false documents 35-2-123 
and 35-2-125 reserved 35-2-124 
Designation of status of nonprofit corporations 35-2-126 
Private foundations 35-2-127 
Religious corporations -- constitutional protections 35-2-128 
reserved 35-2-129 
Judicial relief 35-2-130 
Attorney general 35-2-131 
Ultra vires 35-2-132 
Terminated 35-2-133 

Part 2. Formation -- Articles of Incorporation Bylaws -- Amendments

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-201 
Repealed 35-2-202 
Repealed 35-2-203 
Repealed 35-2-204 
Repealed 35-2-205 
Repealed 35-2-206 
Repealed 35-2-207 
Repealed 35-2-208 
Repealed 35-2-209 
Repealed 35-2-210 
Repealed 35-2-211 
Incorporators 35-2-212 
Articles of incorporation 35-2-213 
Incorporation 35-2-214 
Liability for preincorporation transactions 35-2-215 
Organization of corporation 35-2-216 
Bylaws 35-2-217 
Emergency bylaws and powers 35-2-218 
and 35-2-220 reserved 35-2-219 
Authority to amend 35-2-221 
Amendment by directors 35-2-222 
Amendment by directors and members 35-2-223 
Class voting by members on amendments 35-2-224 
Articles of amendment 35-2-225 
Restated articles of incorporation 35-2-226 
Amendment pursuant to judicial reorganization 35-2-227 
Effect of amendment and restatement 35-2-228 
Amendment by directors 35-2-229 
Amendment by directors and members 35-2-230 
Class voting by members on amendments 35-2-231 
Approval by third persons 35-2-232 
Amendment terminating members or redeeming or canceling memberships 35-2-233 

Part 3. Corporate Name, Registered Office and Agent, and Service of Process

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-301 
Repealed 35-2-302 
Repealed 35-2-303 
Repealed 35-2-304 
Corporate name 35-2-305 
Reserved name 35-2-306 
Registered name of foreign corporation 35-2-307 
reserved 35-2-308 
Repealed 35-2-309 
Repealed 35-2-310 
Repealed 35-2-311 
Reserved 35-2-312 and 35-2-313
Repealed 35-2-314 
Repealed 35-2-315 

Part 4. Directors and Officers -- Indemnification

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-401 
Repealed 35-2-402 
Repealed 35-2-403 
Repealed 35-2-404 
Repealed 35-2-405 
Repealed 35-2-406 
Repealed 35-2-407 
Repealed 35-2-408 
Repealed 35-2-409 
Repealed 35-2-410 
Repealed 35-2-411 
Repealed 35-2-412 
Repealed 35-2-413 
Requirement for and duties of board 35-2-414 
Qualifications and numbers of directors 35-2-415 
General standards for directors 35-2-416 
Election, designation and appointment of directors 35-2-417 
Director conflict of interest 35-2-418 
Terms of directors generally -- staggered terms 35-2-419 
Resignation of directors 35-2-420 
Removal of directors elected by members or directors 35-2-421 
Removal of designated or appointed directors 35-2-422 
Removal of directors by judicial proceeding 35-2-423 
Vacancy on board 35-2-424 
Compensation of directors 35-2-425 
reserved 35-2-426 
Regular and special meetings 35-2-427 
Action without meeting 35-2-428 
Call and notice of meetings 35-2-429 
Waiver of notice 35-2-430 
Quorum and voting 35-2-431 
reserved 35-2-432 
Committees of the board 35-2-433 
reserved 35-2-434 
Loans to or guaranties for directors and officers 35-2-435 
Liability for unlawful distributions 35-2-436 
and 35-2-438 reserved 35-2-437 
Required officers 35-2-439 
Duties and authority of officers 35-2-440 
Standards of conduct for officers 35-2-441 
Resignation and removal of officers 35-2-442 
Contract rights of officers 35-2-443 
Officers' authority to execute documents 35-2-444 
reserved 35-2-445 
Definitions 35-2-446 
Authority to indemnify 35-2-447 
Mandatory indemnification 35-2-448 
Advance for expenses 35-2-449 
Court-ordered indemnification 35-2-450 
Determination and authorization of indemnification 35-2-451 
Indemnification of officers, employees, and agents 35-2-452 
Insurance 35-2-453 
Application 35-2-454 

Part 5. Members -- Delegates -- Voting

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-501 
Repealed 35-2-502 
Repealed 35-2-503 
Repealed 35-2-504 
Repealed 35-2-505 
Repealed 35-2-506 
Repealed 35-2-507 
Repealed 35-2-508 
Repealed 35-2-509 
Admission 35-2-510 
Consideration 35-2-511 
No requirement of members 35-2-512 
Differences in rights and obligations of members 35-2-513 
Transfers 35-2-514 
reserved 35-2-515 
Member's liability to third parties 35-2-516 
Member's liability for dues, assessments, and fees 35-2-517 
Creditor's action against member 35-2-518 
Resignation 35-2-519 
Termination, expulsion, and suspension 35-2-520 
reserved 35-2-521 
Purchase of memberships 35-2-522 
reserved 35-2-523 
Delegates 35-2-524 
reserved 35-2-525 
Annual and regular meetings 35-2-526 
Special meeting 35-2-527 
Court-ordered meeting 35-2-528 
Action by written consent 35-2-529 
Notice of meeting 35-2-530 
Waiver of notice 35-2-531 
Record date -- determining members entitled to notice and vote 35-2-532 
Action by written ballot 35-2-533 
reserved 35-2-534 
Members' list for meeting 35-2-535 
Voting entitlement generally 35-2-536 
Quorum requirements 35-2-537 
Voting requirements 35-2-538 
Proxies 35-2-539 
Cumulative voting for directors -- exception 35-2-540 
Other methods of electing directors 35-2-541 
Corporation's acceptance of votes 35-2-542 
Voting agreements 35-2-543 

Part 6. Merger, Consolidation, and Sale of Assets

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-601 
Repealed 35-2-602 
Repealed 35-2-603 
Repealed 35-2-604 
Repealed 35-2-605 
Repealed 35-2-606 
Repealed 35-2-607 
Approval of plan of merger 35-2-608 
Limitations on mergers by public benefit or religious corporations 35-2-609 
Action on plan by board, members, and third persons 35-2-610 
Articles of merger 35-2-611 
Effect of merger 35-2-612 
Merger with foreign corporation 35-2-613 
Bequests, devises, and gifts 35-2-614 
reserved 35-2-615 
Sale of assets in regular course of activities -- mortgage of assets 35-2-616 
Sale of assets other than in regular course of activities 35-2-617 

Part 7. Dissolution and Liquidation

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-701 
Repealed 35-2-702 
Repealed 35-2-703 
Repealed 35-2-704 
Repealed 35-2-705 
Repealed 35-2-706 
through 35-2-710 reserved 35-2-707 
Repealed 35-2-711 
Repealed 35-2-712 
Repealed 35-2-713 
Repealed 35-2-714 
Repealed 35-2-715 
Repealed 35-2-716 
Repealed 35-2-717 
Repealed 35-2-718 
Repealed 35-2-719 
Dissolution by incorporators or directors and third persons 35-2-720 
Dissolution by directors, members, and third persons 35-2-721 
Notices to attorney general 35-2-722 
Articles of dissolution 35-2-723 
Revocation of dissolution 35-2-724 
Effect of dissolution 35-2-725 
Known claims against dissolved corporation 35-2-726 
Unknown claims against dissolved corporations 35-2-727 
Grounds for judicial dissolution 35-2-728 
Procedure for judicial dissolution 35-2-729 
Receivership or custodianship 35-2-730 
Decree of dissolution 35-2-731 
Deposit with state treasurer 35-2-732 

Part 8. Foreign Corporations

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-801 
Repealed 35-2-802 
Repealed 35-2-803 
Repealed 35-2-804 
Repealed 35-2-805 
Repealed 35-2-806 
Repealed 35-2-807 
Repealed 35-2-808 
Repealed 35-2-809 
Repealed 35-2-810 
Repealed 35-2-811 
Repealed 35-2-812 
Repealed 35-2-813 
Repealed 35-2-814 
Repealed 35-2-815 
Repealed 35-2-816 
Repealed 35-2-817 
Repealed 35-2-818 
Repealed 35-2-819 
Authority to transact business required 35-2-820 
Consequences of transacting business without authority 35-2-821 
Application for certificate of authority 35-2-822 
Amended certificate of authority 35-2-823 
Effect of certificate of authority 35-2-824 
reserved 35-2-825 
Corporate name of foreign corporation 35-2-826 
Repealed 35-2-827 
Repealed 35-2-828 
Repealed 35-2-829 
Service of process on foreign corporations 35-2-830 
Withdrawal of foreign corporation 35-2-831 
Grounds for revocation 35-2-832 
Procedure for and effect of revocation 35-2-833 
Appeal from revocation 35-2-834 

Part 9. Annual Report -- Corporate Records

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-901 
Repealed 35-2-902 
Repealed 35-2-903 
Annual report for secretary of state 35-2-904 
reserved 35-2-905 
Corporate records 35-2-906 
Inspection of records by members 35-2-907 
Scope of inspection rights 35-2-908 
Court-ordered inspection 35-2-909 
Limitations on use of membership list 35-2-910 
Financial statements for members 35-2-911 
Report of indemnification to members 35-2-912 

Part 10. Fees and Charges

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-1001
Repealed 35-2-1002
Feesforfiling,copying,andservices 35-2-1003

Part 11. Secretary of State

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-1101
Repealed 35-2-1102
Repealed 35-2-1103
Repealed 35-2-1104
Repealed 35-2-1105
Repealed 35-2-1106
Secretary of state -- powers -- rulemaking 35-2-1107
Forms 35-2-1108
Filing duty of secretary of state 35-2-1109
Appeal from secretary of state's refusal to file document 35-2-1110
Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document 35-2-1111
Certificate of existence 35-2-1112

Part 12. Reinstatement (Repealed)

Section Name Section Number
Repealed 35-2-1201
Repealed 35-2-1202
Repealed 35-2-1203

Part 13. Derivative Actions

Section Name Section Number
Standing 35-2-1301
Demand 35-2-1302
Stay of proceedings 35-2-1303
Dismissal 35-2-1304
Discontinuance or settlement -- notice 35-2-1305
Payment of expenses 35-2-1306
Applicability to foreign corporations 35-2-1307

Part 14. Distributions

Section Name Section Number
Prohibited distributions -- permitted transactions 35-2-1401
Authorized distributions 35-2-1402

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