The Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act found in Chapter 21, Article 19, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska is broken down into the following parts:

  • Part 1 - General Provisions

  • Part 2 - Organization

  • Part 3 - Purposes And Powers

  • Part 4 - Names

  • Part 5 - Office And Agent

  • Part 6 - Members And Memberships

  • Part 7 - Members' Meetings And Voting

  • Part 8 - Directors And Officers

  • Part 9 - Amendment of Articles of Incorporation And Bylaws

General Provisions

Section Name Section Number
Act, how cited § 21-1901
Legislative power § 21-1902
Filing requirements § 21-1903
Forms § 21-1904
Fees § 21-1905
Effective date of document § 21-1906
Correcting filed document § 21-1907
§retary of State;  duties § 21-1908
Refusal to file document;  appeal § 21-1909
Filed document;  evidentiary effect § 21-1910
Certificate of existence § 21-1911
Signing false document;  penalty § 21-1912
§retary of State;  powers § 21-1913
Terms, defined § 21-1914
Notice § 21-1915
Private foundations;  requirements § 21-1916
Meetings and votes;  court order § 21-1917
Attorney General;  notice;  powers § 21-1918
Religious corporations;  constitutional protections § 21-1919


Section Name Section Number
Incorporators § 21-1920
Articles of incorporation § 21-1921
Incorporation § 21-1922
Liability for preincorporation transactions § 21-1923
Organization of corporation § 21-1924
Bylaws § 21-1925
Emergency bylaws and powers § 21-1926

Purposes And Powers

Section Name Section Number
Purposes § 21-1927
General powers § 21-1928
Emergency powers § 21-1929
Ultra vires § 21-1930


Section Name Section Number
Corporate name § 21-1931
Reserved name § 21-1932
Registered name § 21-1933

Office And Agent

Section Name Section Number
Registered office;  registered agent § 21-1934
Change of registered office or registered agent § 21-1935
Resignation of registered agent § 21-1936
Service on corporation § 21-1937

Members And Memberships

Section Name Section Number
Admission of members § 21-1938
Consideration § 21-1939
No requirement of members § 21-1940
Differences in rights and obligations § 21-1941
Transfers § 21-1942
Member's liability to third parties § 21-1943
Member's liability for dues, assessments, and fees § 21-1944
Creditor's action against member § 21-1945
Resignation § 21-1946
Termination, expulsion, and suspension § 21-1947
Purchase of memberships § 21-1948
Derivative suits § 21-1949
Delegates § 21-1950

Members' Meetings And Voting

Section Name Section Number
Annual and regular meetings § 21-1951
Special meeting § 21-1952
Court-ordered meeting § 21-1953
Action by written consent § 21-1954
Notice of meeting § 21-1955
Waiver of notice § 21-1956
Record date;  determining members entitled to notice and vote § 21-1957
Action by written ballot § 21-1958
Members' list for meeting § 21-1959
Voting entitlement generally § 21-1960
Quorum requirements § 21-1961
Voting requirements § 21-1962
Proxies § 21-1963
Cumulative voting for directors § 21-1964
Other methods of electing directors § 21-1965
Corporation's acceptance of votes § 21-1966
Voting agreements § 21-1967

Directors And Officers

Section Name Section Number
Requirement for and duties of board of directors § 21-1968
Qualifications of directors § 21-1969
Number of directors § 21-1970
Election, designation, and appointment of directors § 21-1971
Terms of directors generally § 21-1972
Staggered terms for directors § 21-1973
Resignation of directors § 21-1974
Removal of directors elected by members or directors § 21-1975
Removal of designated or appointed directors § 21-1976
Removal of directors by judicial proceeding § 21-1977
Vacancy on board § 21-1978
Compensation of directors § 21-1979
Regular and special meetings § 21-1980
Action without meeting § 21-1981
Call and notice of meeting § 21-1982
Waiver of notice § 21-1983
Quorum;  voting § 21-1984
Committees of the board § 21-1985
General standards for directors § 21-1986
Director;  conflict of interest § 21-1987
Loans to or guaranties for directors and officers § 21-1988
Liability for unlawful distributions § 21-1989
Required officers § 21-1990
Duties and authority of officers § 21-1991
Standards of conduct for officers § 21-1992
Resignation and removal of officers § 21-1993
Contract rights of officers § 21-1994
Officers' authority to execute documents § 21-1995
Terms, defined § 21-1996
Authority to indemnify § 21-1997
Mandatory indemnification § 21-1998
Advance for expenses § 21-1999
Court-ordered indemnification § 21-19,100
Determination and authorization of indemnification § 21-19,101
Indemnification of officers, employees, and agents § 21-19,102
Insurance § 21-19,103
Applicability of sections § 21-19,104

Amendment Of Articles Of Incorporation And Bylaws

Section Name Section Number
Authority to amend § 21-19,105
Amendment of articles of incorporation by directors § 21-19,106
Amendment of articles of incorporation by directors and members § 21-19,107
Class voting by members on amendments § 21-19,108
Articles of amendment § 21-19,109
Restated articles of incorporation § 21-19,110
Amendment pursuant to judicial reorganization § 21-19,111
Effect of amendment and restatement § 21-19,112
Amendment to bylaws by directors § 21-19,113
Amendment to bylaws by directors and members § 21-19,114
Class voting by members on amendments § 21-19,115
Approval by third persons § 21-19,116
Amendment terminating members or redeeming or canceling memberships § 21-19,117


Section Name Section Number
Approval of plan of merger § 21-19,118
Mergers by public benefit or religious corporations;  procedure § 21-19,119
Action on plan by board, members, and third persons § 21-19,120
Articles of merger § 21-19,121
Effect of merger § 21-19,122
Merger with foreign corporation § 21-19,123
Bequests, devises, and gifts § 21-19,124

Sale Of Assets

Section Name Section Number
Sale of assets in regular course of activities and mortgage of assets § 21-19,125
Sale of assets other than in regular course of activities § 21-19,126


Section Name Section Number
Prohibited distributions § 21-19,127
Authorized distributions § 21-19,128


Section Name Section Number
Dissolution by incorporators or directors;  notice of dissolution;  plan § 21-19,129
Dissolution by directors, members, and third persons;  plan § 21-19,130
Notice to the Attorney General § 21-19,131
Articles of dissolution § 21-19,132
Revocation of dissolution § 21-19,133
Effect of dissolution § 21-19,134
Known claims against dissolved corporations;  notice § 21-19,135
Unknown claims against dissolved corporation;  notice § 21-19,136
Grounds for administrative dissolution § 21-19,137
Procedure for and effect of administrative dissolution § 21-19,138
Reinstatement following administrative dissolution § 21-19,139
Appeal from denial of reinstatement § 21-19,140
Grounds for judicial dissolution § 21-19,141
Procedure for judicial dissolution § 21-19,142
Receivership or custodianship § 21-19,143
Decree of dissolution § 21-19,144
Assets;  deposit with State Treasurer;  when § 21-19,145

Foreign Corporations

Section Name Section Number
Foreign corporation;  authority to transact business required § 21-19,146
Foreign corporation;  transacting business without authority;  consequences;  civil penalty § 21-19,147
Foreign corporation;  application for certificate of authority § 21-19,148
Foreign corporation;  amended certificate of authority § 21-19,149
Foreign corporation;  effect of certificate of authority § 21-19,150
Foreign corporation;  corporate name § 21-19,151
Foreign corporation;  registered office;  registered agent § 21-19,152
Foreign corporation;  change of registered office or registered agent § 21-19,153
Foreign corporation;  resignation of registered agent § 21-19,154
Foreign corporation;  service § 21-19,155
Foreign corporation;  withdrawal § 21-19,156
Foreign corporation;  grounds for revocation of certificate of authority § 21-19,157
Foreign corporation;  procedure and effect of revocation § 21-19,158
Foreign corporation;  revoked certificate;  application for reinstatement § 21-19,159
Foreign corporation;  denial of reinstatement;  appeal § 21-19,160
Foreign corporation;  domestication procedure § 21-19,161
Foreign corporation;  renouncing domestication § 21-19,162
Foreign corporation;  domestication;  procedure;  effect § 21-19,163
Foreign corporation organized prior to January 1, 1997;  status § 21-19,164

Records And Reports

Section Name Section Number
Corporate records § 21-19,165
Inspection of records by members § 21-19,166
Scope of inspection rights § 21-19,167
Court-ordered inspection § 21-19,168
Limitations on use of membership list § 21-19,169
Financial statements for members § 21-19,170
Report of indemnification to members § 21-19,171
Biennial report;  contents § 21-19,172


Section Name Section Number
Notice of incorporation, amendment, merger, or dissolution;  publication § 21-19,173

Transition Provisions

Section Name Section Number
Applicability of act § 21-19,174
Foreign corporation;  subject to act;  effect § 21-19,175
Repeal of former law;  effect § 21-19,176
Public benefit, mutual benefit, and religious corporation;  designation § 21-19,177

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