Section Name Section Number
Short title 53-8-1
Definitions 53-8-2
Applicability 53-8-3
Purposes 53-8-4
General powers 53-8-5
Defense of ultra vires 53-8-6
Corporate name 53-8-7
Reserved name 53-8-7.1
Registered office and registered agent 53-8-8
Change of registered office or registered agent 53-8-9
Service of process on corporation 53-8-10
Members 53-8-11
Bylaws 53-8-12
Meetings of members 53-8-13
Notice of members' meetings; waiver 53-8-14
Voting 53-8-15
Quorum 53-8-16
Board of directors 53-8-17
Number and election of directors 53-8-18
Repealed 53-8-18.1
Vacancy 53-8-19
Quorum of directors 53-8-20
Committees 53-8-21
Directors' meetings 53-8-22
Officers 53-8-23
Removal of officers 53-8-24
Liability 53-8-25
Duties of directors 53-8-25.1
Liability of directors 53-8-25.2
Nonprofit corporations; boards of directors; liability; immunity 53-8-25.3
Indemnification of officers and directors 53-8-26
Books and records 53-8-27
Shares of stock and dividends prohibited; exemption from franchise tax 53-8-28
Loans to directors and officers 53-8-29
Incorporators 53-8-30
Articles of incorporation 53-8-31
Filing of articles of incorporation 53-8-32
Effect of incorporation 53-8-33
Organization meetings 53-8-34
Right to amend articles of incorporation 53-8-35
Procedure to amend articles of incorporation 53-8-36
Articles of amendment 53-8-37
Effectiveness of amendment 53-8-38
Restated articles of incorporation 53-8-39
Procedure for merger 53-8-40
Procedure for consolidation 53-8-41
Adoption of merger or consolidation 53-8-42
Articles of merger or consolidation 53-8-43
Effect of merger or consolidation 53-8-44
Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations 53-8-45
Sale, lease, exchange or mortgage of assets 53-8-46
Voluntary dissolution 53-8-47
Distribution of assets 53-8-48
Plan of distribution 53-8-49
Revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings 53-8-50
Articles of dissolution 53-8-51
Filing of articles of dissolution 53-8-52
Revocation of certificate of incorporation 53-8-53
Issuance of certificate of revocation 53-8-54
Jurisdiction of court to liquidate assets and affairs of corporation 53-8-55
Procedure in liquidation of corporation by court 53-8-56
Qualification of receivers 53-8-57
Filing of claims in liquidation proceedings 53-8-58
Discontinuance of liquidation proceedings 53-8-59
Decree of involuntary dissolution 53-8-60
Filing of decree of dissolution 53-8-61
Deposits with state treasurer 53-8-62
Survival of remedy after dissolution 53-8-63
Admission of foreign corporation 53-8-64
Powers of foreign corporation 53-8-65
Corporate name of foreign corporation 53-8-66
Change of name by foreign corporation 53-8-67
Application for certificate of authority 53-8-68
Filing of application for certificate of authority 53-8-69
Effect of [certificate of] authority 53-8-70
Registered office and registered agent of foreign corporation 53-8-71
Change of registered office or registered agent of foreign corporation 53-8-72
Service of process on foreign corporation 53-8-73
Repealed 53-8-74
Merger of foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in this state 53-8-75
Amended certificate of authority 53-8-76
Withdrawal of foreign corporation 53-8-77
Filing of application for withdrawal 53-8-78
Revocation of certificate of authority 53-8-79
Issuance of certificate of revocation 53-8-80
Conducting affairs without certificate of authority 53-8-81
Annual report 53-8-82
Filing of annual report-initial report-supplemental report-extension of time 53-8-83
Repealed 53-8-84
Fees for filing documents and issuing certificates 53-8-85
Recordkeeping 53-8-86
Fees of secretary of state-dishonored check-civil penalty-suspension of filing 53-8-86.1
Miscellaneous charges 53-8-87
Penalty imposed upon corporation 53-8-88
Dormant corporations; statement in lieu of annual report 53-8-88.1
Reports; affirmation; penalty 53-8-89
Authority to make refunds 53-8-90
Appeal from commission 53-8-91
Issuance of certificate of good standing and compliance 53-8-92
Certificates and certified copies to be received in evidence 53-8-93
Forms to be furnished by corporation commission [public regulation commission] 53-8-94
Greater voting requirements 53-8-95
Waiver of notice 53-8-96
Action by members or directors without a meeting 53-8-97
Unauthorized assumption of corporate powers 53-8-98
Effect of repeal of prior acts 53-8-99