Posts by Tamra Ferguson, Esq.
Whose Job is That? Determining the HOA’s Maintenance Obligations

In a condominium building or planned development, the Homeowners’ Association (HOA) and the owners each have different obligations with regard to maintaining, repairing, and replacing different parts of the community.  If either the HOA or an individual owner doesn’t properly meet those obligations, it can cause problems for that owner, and often for other members of the HOA as well.  It’s important to understand who is responsible for which elements of the community, and what rights you have if the HOA isn’t taking care of its responsibilities.

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Facts About Selective Enforcement By an HOA

As a member of a Homeowners’ Association, you probably already know that your community’s governing documents include covenants, rules, and restrictions about how you can (and cannot) use your property. If you break these rules, the association may fine you or force you to comply. If you find yourself at the receiving end of an HOA punishment, you’ll need to know what your rights are.  This article will help you understand “selective enforcement” and how it applies to your homeowners’ association and the rules you have to follow.

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Understanding The Ins and Outs of HOA Fees

Homeowners’ associations typically are formed to manage any property in the community that is owned communally, as opposed to individually, such as a playground or building hallways.  Whether an HOA is made up of a condominium building, townhouses, or single-family homes, the responsibilities generally include the same type of tasks – maintain landscaping, employ property managers, maintain shared private roads or driveways, arrange trash removal, operate a swimming pool, and the like. This article will help you better understand the ins and outs of HOA fees. 

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Learn The 5 Different Types of HOA Meetings And Rules

The homeowners’ association board of directors is the governing body of your community, and can have a significant impact on the lives of those who live there.  The board of a homeowners’ association is required to hold meetings to conduct the business of the association; the type and frequency of these meetings can vary, and can be confusing.  But, members of the association are encouraged to attend most meetings, and to participate when permitted.  This article will help you better understand HOA meetings. First, it’s important to know that HOAs are governed by the law of the state in which they sit. 

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